Project 2: Editorial Illustration

Creative Brief: 
 Project Description:  ( Create a piece to the theme of "Top of the food chain" to show off personal style to a "mock" client. ) Show how far humanity has come when it comes to hunting and eating, and how it's isn't completely a great thing, as we seem to fry everything we get our hands on and how unhealthy is has become.  We are sacrifices for our food, in a way.

Client: FoodUs Good Magazine

Message: ("When it comes to killing, deep-frying, and eating, man really has conquered it all.") "What's next on the list to hunt and fry?"

Audience:  People who wish to be healthier.

Purpose/Objectives: (To establish the importance of "style" in the competitive market place.  So really show everyone your personal style, the style you want to make known as YOU, and present it in the project.)  Make a piece to work alongside the article "#EAT" to help grab attention for the article.

  Time:  2 Weeks.
  Size: 8.5x11 Vertical
  Known Deadlines:
     First Class:  Creative Brief and co., Thumbnails, mockups
     Week 1: Mid Project Consultation with Professor/Work Week.
     Week 2:  Final Class Critique and student presentations
  Budget: $500

Word List:

Fried Food
Animal Bodies
Couch Potato

Mood Board





Thumbnail Ideas

Picked Three Thumbnails and did Roughs

Still playing around with a "title/header."  I do like "Next in line please" with a subhead of "May I take your order?"  Or something similar to that.   Anyways, here is my "tight" illustration.  I hope the next assignment isn't as ... "morbid."  I promise I don't only draw "scary" images, haha.

Final WIP.  I pretty much got the background nailed down.  I'm pondering if putting in the people in the deep fryer or not, now that the fryer is smaller and the people wouldn't have the detail I initially wanted them to show.

 The finished piece.

 I did some readjusting, and moved the whole composition downward.